Thursday, August 26, 2010

It seems so long ago, no?

But it is always like this.

The colonists threw off British Rule, but began a half century of bloody war with a powerful new enemy.

The Civil War ended slavery, but spawned reconstruction and Jim Crow.

The Civil Rights Act ended Jim Crow, but gave birth to modern movement conservatism.

The Allies defeated Germany in WWI, and the prize was Hitler and WWII.

The Japanese and Germans surrendered, and the Cold War began.

Michael Douglas strangled Glen Close in the bathtub, and she popped up for one last breath, with a knife, while his back was turned.

We elected Obama and defeated the cynical cultural warriors and racists thugs in the closest thing to an electoral landslide in a generation, and the right became unhinged.

We are always moving forward, but never without a fight. Never without a few steps back.

We must fight on. We are never done. Anything worth accomplishing can not be accomplished in a lifetime, so we must be saved by hope. This is the HOPE he was talking about. We chose chose to believe otherwise. Well, I didn't. But many did.

What you spend years building up, someone may destroy overnight. Build anyway. Build anyway.

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